Casually Waiting
Casually Waiting

acrylic on watercolor paper

Screaming at the Neighbors
Screaming at the Neighbors

acrylic and gel pour on stretched watercolor paper

Taking Out the Trash
Taking Out the Trash

acrylic and gel pour on stretched watercolor paper

Winter Walk
Winter Walk

acrylic and gel pour on canvas

Old Maid
Old Maid

acrylic on canvas

Windows Rolled Down
Windows Rolled Down

acrylic and gel pour on watercolor paper


North Beach
North Beach

acrylic on watercolor paper

Peering Outside
Peering Outside

acrylic on watercolor paper

27.8006° N, 97.3964° W
27.8006° N, 97.3964° W

acrylic on canvas


acrylic and oil on canvas

The Joneses
The Joneses

acrylic on canvas

Huntington @ Longwood
Huntington @ Longwood

acrylic on canvas


acrylic on canvas


acrylic on watercolor paper

Casually Waiting
Screaming at the Neighbors
Taking Out the Trash
Winter Walk
Old Maid
Windows Rolled Down
North Beach
Peering Outside
27.8006° N, 97.3964° W
The Joneses
Huntington @ Longwood
Casually Waiting

acrylic on watercolor paper

Screaming at the Neighbors

acrylic and gel pour on stretched watercolor paper

Taking Out the Trash

acrylic and gel pour on stretched watercolor paper

Winter Walk

acrylic and gel pour on canvas

Old Maid

acrylic on canvas

Windows Rolled Down

acrylic and gel pour on watercolor paper


North Beach

acrylic on watercolor paper

Peering Outside

acrylic on watercolor paper

27.8006° N, 97.3964° W

acrylic on canvas


acrylic and oil on canvas

The Joneses

acrylic on canvas

Huntington @ Longwood

acrylic on canvas


acrylic on canvas


acrylic on watercolor paper

show thumbnails